Best wishes

Ifac Service opened its doors in 1978, now forty years ago. Since then, a lot has changed. Once a one-person business, it is now a flourishing company with about twenty enthusiastic team members. And while our company used to be one of the first real estate agencies in the region, several colleagues have entered the market since then. Though not easier, our job has definitely become more interesting.
However fast everything around us changes, we will always stay focussed on our initial goal: being client-friendly and committed to our customers and to the region we operate in. More than just a company, we want to be a friendly face, a sparring partner, a reliable neighbour interested in more than just business. Together with local football club 'De Marias', we collected nearly 3000 euro for Centrum Ganspoel. We sponsor music and sports clubs, festivals and events and we support organisations that actively contribute to a warm and welcoming region for everyone.
But company figures also matter. In 2018, we sold on average 9 properties per month and we let about 412 entities. The number of properties that we manage for landlords rose to 983 in the past year. To achieve all that, we extended our team to 21 members. In 2019, all of us will be moving into our own new, large office space in the Casalta project, in the centre of Tervuren. Here, we will have all the space we need to work together more efficiently and to receive our clients in much more comfortable surroundings. The entire team is looking forward to this new milestone.
We would like to thank you for your confidence in our company and we wish you a wonderful holiday period and a very happy 2019!

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