Ventilate the entire property – open all possible windows and doors. Then call:
In Flanders: Fluvius 0800 65 0 65
In Brussels: Sibelga 0800 19 400
In Wallonia: Ores 0800 87 087
In the Liège province: RESA +32 (0)4 362 98 38 or +32 (0)87 74 20 18
Call the police by dialling 101 and file a report. Inform your insurance company straight away. In case of damage to the rented property, contact IFAC Service. Also provide us with the reference number of the police report you have filed.
Storm and fire damage
Call the fire brigade by dialling 112 and follow their instructions. In case of damage to the rented property, contact IFAC Service.
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